Algae extracts and eK-lon MAX from K-Adriatica

Farmers are increasingly recognising the multiple benefits of applying algae extracts as nutritional solutions on crops. Numerous experimental evidences over the years have clearly shown that the use of algae extracts positively influences plant growth, general health and crop yield and quality (Ali O, et al. Plants. 2021). Despite the existence of thousands of algae species, only a few are used in agriculture: among the most widely used are those of the Pheophycaeae family, such as Ecklonia maxima, Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria spp.
The algae, subject to the constant movement of the tides, face particularly stressful conditions and adapt physiologically, developing natural defence mechanisms against water, heat and salt stress situations, thus acquiring important properties for use as biostimulants in agriculture. K-Adriatica ricognises the crucial importance of high quality algae extracts and has developed a line of nutritional solutions enriched with algae extracts to maximise crop benefits.
Algae have a very complex composition, comprising carbohydrates, amino acids, hormones, alginates and other elements. Their positive effects derive from a synergic action, rather than from the presence of individual components: it has been shown that the breakdown of the extracts and the efficacy tests of the individual components cannot replicate the positive impacts of the application of the complete extracts. It is important to emphasise that the content of these active substances is strongly influenced by the growth phase, the harvesting season and, above all, the harvesting and processing methods adopted.
K-Adriatica, thanks to its ability to follow the entire production cycle, from harvesting to product formulation, offers eK-lon MAX fertiliser, the most natural of the Ecklonia màxima-based products on the market. Recognisable by its olive colour, its consistency and its scent of the sea, eK-lon MAX is the 100% natural K-Adriatica solution obtained exclusively by cutting and homogenising Ecklonia màxima fronds.
To maximise the effectiveness of the product, K-Adriatica has chosen to use only the fronds, which are naturally richer in bioactive principles than the trunk, harvested by hand in the waters of the South African coasts, immediately cooled and subjected to a unique production process that includes washing, grinding, cutting to a size smaller than <100µm and homogenisation. Thanks also to tight temperature control, the entire production process is designed to preserve in K-Adriatica's eK-lon MAX all the algae's natural bioactive components such as alginates, mannitol, betaines, florotannins and laminarins. This targeted approach maximises the benefits of Adriaticas fertiliser on crops.
Regular applications of K-Adriatica's eK-lon MAX not only reduce the negative effects of abiotic stresses on crops, but have been shown to improve rooting and promote balanced plant growth, with positive effects on flowering, fruit set and fruit development such as size, colour and ºBrix
