Rhizosphere management with Geosan from k-Adriatica

Ensuring a root system in optimal condition is crucial to ensure satisfactory production, both in terms of quantity and quality. However, this challenge is becoming increasingly complex, especially in recent years, with the increase of diseases affecting the root system both in protected crops and in the open field. Soil fatigue, a historical problem in Italian agriculture, makes it difficult to implement adequate rotations. This problem is further accentuated by the withdrawal of effective active ingredients for soil fumigation. In this context, K-Adriatica, with its fertilisers and manures, emerges as a point of reference, proposing nutritional solutions for the fortification and management of the rhizosphere.
In Adriatica's 2023 catalogue, for the management of the rhizosphere, K-Adriatica has come up with the Geosan fertiliser line. Explaining the characteristics of this fertiliser line is Maria Rosaria Stile, K-Adriatica's Research & Development Manager: "K-Adriatica's Geosan is a line of fertilisers characterised by a dual action, nutritive and bio-strengthening of the rhizosphere. By delving into the elements, the nutritive component is entrusted to the mineral fraction, characterised by very pure elements, free of chlorides, sulphates and carbonates. Alongside this, there is a significant presence of an organic component, consisting of a mixture of polyphenols, with particular reference to chestnut tannins. This combination not only creates an unfavourable environment for numerous soil pests, but also enhances the natural fertility of the soil."
K-Adriatica has innovated the approach to plant nutrition with Geosan, demonstrating its effectiveness through scientific tests and collaborations with renowned national and international research centres. The Adriatica Group manager underlines the success of the tests conducted on several crops, including tomato, cucumber, aubergine and kiwi, in difficult soils characterised by a significant presence of nematodes. The encouraging results show that the application of the Geosan rhizosphere management fertiliser not only controls the nematode population, especially Meloidogyne, but also promotes root development and plant viability, ensuring optimal yields. These results confirm the distinctive ability of K-Adriatica to combine effective nematode control with a powerful biostimulating action on the plant.
K-Adriatica's Geosan fertiliser proved effective in the rehabilitation of the root system in some G3 plants in the Latina area, successfully tackling obvious problems. Through the application of Geosan, the root system regained strength and vitality, resuming its essential function of nourishing and supporting the plant. This ensured vigorous uniformity in the orchard at the end of the season, with strong shoots forming the basis for highly satisfactory production the following year. Maria Rosaria Stile, of K-Adriatica, continues: "In the near future we will carry out studies on the potential efficacy against kiwi fruit borer, a threat to several Italian production areas."
