How to reduce soil salinity with K-Adriatica

The increasing salinity of soils is a critical challenge for agriculture, and the risk of an irreversible situation is increasingly imminent. The situation is aggravated by the lack of rainfall in recent years, which is essential for the removal of excessive salts in the soil. In this context, K-Adriatica, a leader in the development of fertilizers and plant nutrition solutions, has responded with an innovative product: Hendosar.
"K-Adriatica's HENDOSAR is the product specifically designed to manage soil salinity: it acts quickly on the soil-root-plant system, creating an extremely favorable environment on all crops. Thanks to its specific formulation that provides Calcium and Magnesium in the optimal ratio of 4-6 parts Calcium to 1 part Magnesium, K-Adriatica's HENDOSAR significantly improves soil structure," Maria Rosaria Stile, Research & Development Manager at K-Adriatica, explains to Italfruit News. "In fact - the researcher adds - thanks to a specific formulation that provides Calcium and Magnesium in the optimal ratio (4-6 parts Calcium to 1 part Magnesium) HENDOSAR improves soil structure. Calcium and Magnesium replace Sodium (clay colloids) in the exchange complex, which thus passes into solution and can be washed away. This action creates a favorable environment in the rhizosphere, protecting roots and facilitating nutrient uptake even under high salinity conditions. The ability of K-Adriatica's HENDOSAR to quickly overcome obstacles to vegetative growth caused by excess salinity, restore nutritional balance, and enhance photosynthetic activity results in optimal preservation of yield and production quality."
Trials conducted by K-Adriatica, both in controlled environments and in the open field, confirm the exceptional efficacy of HENDOSAR in managing soil salinity: "HENDOSAR demonstrated superior results under high stress conditions (E.C. >7mS/cm), maintaining consistently high crop production levels. The most significant data emerged during trials on table grapes and ginger, highlighting the adaptability and effectiveness of HENDOSAR in specific agronomic situations."
The Adriatica Group manager continues: "Remarkable improvements in table grapes were achieved through the application of K-Adriatica's HENDOSAR, showing a marked reduction in mortality caused by excessive salinity. We recorded significant benefits in rachis length and bunch weight. In the case of ginger, however, just two applications of HENDOSAR produced a noticeable improvement in vegetative condition compared to the untreated control."
HENDOSAR stands out for its effectiveness on a wide range of fruit crops, including citrus, and horticultural crops. Successfully applied through fertigation, this fertilizer from K-Adriatica proves to be a valuable ally for farmers facing the impacts of climate change. Maria Rosaria Stile emphasizes how K-Adriatica's Hendosar is a versatile and reliable solution for optimizing crop yields and mitigating the damaging effects of soil salinity.