Kappa Foundation
K‑Adriatica nourishes the future by also engaging with society at large and the environmental context in which it operates, thus generating value by means of good actions.
The charitable Kappa Foundation was born in 2014; its core mission is the study of and research on the use of natural resources in order to produce healthy food and safe agricultural products that are respectful of man and the environment, while also promoting economic productivity and social stability.
On a daily basis, the Kappa Foundation assists those in need, also supporting medical and scientific research, especially in Haematology, and promoting activities that advance sustainable agriculture in less industrialised areas.
For donations

Kappa Foundation in the register of regional foundations

Parrocchia "Santa Maria Assunta" di Loreo (RO)
alla Parrocchia sono stati donati generi alimentari a sostegno delle famiglie in difficoltà del territorio.

Associazione "Protezione della Giovane" di Verona
a sostegno della riqualificazione dei serramenti della struttura che ospita donne vittime di maltrattamenti domestici.
Associazione Braccio di Ferro di Padova
che collabora con l’Hospice Pediatrico di Padova a sostegno delle cure Palliative Pediatriche, in particolare per eventuali acquisti di apparecchiature ospedaliere.
Anziani di Loreo ODV di Loreo
è stato donato un mezzo per il trasporto di anziani bisognosi ti tale servizio per visite e commissioni varie di prima necessità, mezzo adibito anche per il trasporto di persone disabili.
Associazione Famiglia Canossiana Nuova Primavera di Verona
a sostegno della realizzazione di spazi sociali di incontro per nuclei famigliari multiproblematici che si trovano in condizioni di disagio economico-sociale.
Associazione Genitori in Fuga di Casalserugo (PD)
per il Progetto “Giardino Fiorito” avente lo scopo di creare uno spazio verde adiacente al reparto di Oncoematologia pediatrica di Padova e un Interfono per consentire ai famigliari dei bambini ricoverati di comunicare tra loro attraverso le vetrate.
Associazione Il Manto di San Martino di Rovigo
per offrire assistenza alimentare alle famiglie del territorio che si trovano in situazioni di difficoltà economica.
Associazione Protezione della Giovane di Verona
a sostegno dell’intervento per la riqualificazione dei serramenti obsoleti presso la struttura che ospita donne vittime di maltrattamenti domestici.
Associazione Braccio di Ferro in Padova
Braccio di Ferro Association of Padua (as in 2020), which collaborates with the Padua Paediatric Hospice with the aim of supporting two projects, one concerning the Pain Therapy service and the other concerning Paediatric Palliative Care. In particular, the 'Reimbursement of medical expenses' project and the 'Shopping vouchers' project to support the families of the children assisted.
Auser di Adria (RO)
to contribute to the purchase of a minibus offering assistance to the elderly, needy and disabled.

ABAL Associazione Bambini Autistici Lessinia in Marzana (VR)
in support of the school iNclusion project for children with autism.
Covid Emergency
The Kappa Foundation donated 12 Notebooks to the Istituto Comprensivo di Loreo (RO), which distributed them to underprivileged families to enable their children to take part in primary and secondary school online lessons during the lock down and dad period.

Linear ultrasound probe
The Kappa Foundation donated a 'Linear Echographic Probe' to the UOC of Paediatrics and Neonatal Pathology of the G.Fracastoro Hospital in San Bonifacio (VR) to facilitate the procedures of vascular access for children.

Theatre Review
Thanks to the funds raised through the theatrical review performed by local amateur companies, the Kappa Foundation donated four defibrillators to municipalities and parishes in the areas uncovered by the service provided by these instruments, the Municipality of Loreo, the Circolo Noi San Michele Arcangelo in Loreo and the Parish of SS Redentore di Scardovari in Porto Tolle.

Gli Amici di Elena – Onlus (RO)
The Kappa Foundation contributed to the support of the 'Osteria della Gioia' project for the training of disabled people in employment and the production of meals, which will later also be distributed at home to elderly people in need.
Horsemanship-Academy in Adria (RO)
To support the Pet-Therapy project, the Kappa Foundation supported the purchase of a Pressostruttura, a heated inflatable structure covering 600 square metres.

Associazione Uniti per Crescere (PD)
Kappa Foundation contributed to the support of the project 'School inclusion of the child with neurological problems' in the year 2018/2019.
Continuando a Crescere – San Pietro di Lavagno (VR)
The Kappa Foundation contributed to the support of the 'SEDF Project - Educational Services for the Disabled', to continue the path started the previous year with three families.
Associazione Braccio di Ferro RfE (PD)
Association that collaborates with the Padua Paediatric Hospice dealing with Paediatric Pain Therapy and Palliative Care. The Kappa Foundation contributed to support two projects of utmost need, the 'Reimbursement of medical expenses' and 'Spending Vouchers' to support families.

Continuando a Crescere - San Pietro di Lavagno (VR)
Kappa Foundation contributed to the support 'SEDF Project - Educational Training Services for Disability'.
Monteverde Onlus di Badia Calavena (VR)
The Kappa Foundation supported the 'Friend on 4 Wheels' project by contributing to the purchase of a minibus equipped to transport disabled people.

Associazione Uniti per Crescere (PD)
Kappa Foundation contributed to the support of the project 'School inclusion of the child with neurological problems' in the year 2017/2018.
ABEO Associazione Bambino Emopatico Oncologico (VR)
The Kappa Foundation contributed to enable the continuation of haemopoietic stem cell transplants, a key therapeutic modality in many diseases, particularly in certain stages of Leukaemia.
Onlus Horsemanship Academy (RO)
to support the Pet-Therapy Project.

Banco Alimentare del Veneto (VR)
Association to contribute to the purchase of an isothermal truck with refrigeration unit for the collection and distribution of food to those in need.

Onlus Fiamma Centaura
for the purchase of a bilirubinometre for measuring bilirubin in the blood of newborns hospitalised at the Mirano (VE) Nursery Ward.

Africa Missions Group of Montagnana (PD)
to build water wells in the village of Hamelmalo, in Eritrea.
Associazione Bambino Emopatico Oncologico (Haemopathic Oncological Child Association) (VR)
focusing on hematopoietic stem cell transplantations, an essential therapeutic option to treat many diseases, and, in particular, some stages of Leukaemia.
Associazione Volontari Ospedalieri (Hospital Volunteers Association) (PD
to support the surgery and care of a child suffering from retinoblastoma.
“Santa Maria degli Angeli” Hospital in Adria (RO)
Purchase of a “Capnograph” to measure blood CO2 in the Paediatric Department of the “Santa Maria degli Angeli” Hospital in Adria (RO), in memory of Mr. Mainardi.

Cometa A.S.M.M.E. Associazione studio Malattie Metaboliche Ereditarie (Association for the Study of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases) - Ponte San Nicolò (PD
) to support the project “Dosage of new Biochemical Markers for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Lysosomal Diseases”, by purchasing and donating some of the consumables required for the project.
Associazione Genitori in Fuga (Association of Parents on the Move)
to help support children with Leukaemia and their families who come to the City of Hope in Padua, and/or to the Paediatric Haematology-Oncology Department of the Padua Hospital.
Associazione Protezione della Giovane (Youth Women Protection Association) (VR)
to help train the association volunteers through a dedicated course entitled “Train, Grow, Help”, which offers support to single women or women with children who are facing challenges.
Unione medico Missionaria Italiana (Italian Missionary Medical Union) - Negrar (VR)
to support the purchase of paediatric material.