Packaging 25 kg - Pallet 1500 kg, Big Bag 600 kg




The K-FERT AZOTATI LINE is made of a wide range of products characterized by the two stable forms of nitrogen (ammonia and ureic) and by high availability of sulfur (as sulfuric anhydride, SO3). The products of this line are a valid alternative to the traditional ammonium nitrates without sulfur and and with washable nitric nitrogen which, in case of rainfall, are subject to considerable losses due to leaching.
PRATIKO is a granular fertilizer of the K-FERT AZOTATI LINE with completely ammoniacal Nitrogen, which carries out its nutritional action gradually and continuously over time, reducing losses due to leaching and responding in the best way to the different plant needs related to the phenological phases. The high sulfur content allows a corrective action in soils characterized by high salinity and / or alkalinity and exerts a containment action against parasitic adversities attributable to fungi present in the soil.
The efficacy of the product is improved by the granular formulation obtained through compaction, a dry granulation process borrowed from the pharmaceutical industry that uses mechanical compression to agglomerate the particles of the raw materials. This allows for granules to be obtained without adding solvents, which can have a negative impact on the final solubility of the product. The compacted granule is characterized by easy and fast disintegration, ensuring a rapid assimilation of nutrients by the roots.

Culture Time of application Dose/hectare*
Shrubs and arboreal crops (both open air and nursery), Fruit crops e Horticultural crops e Cereal crops Pre-transplanting/sowing fertilization,
Post-transplanting/sowing fertilization
200-600 kg
  • Shrubs and arboreal crops (both open air and nursery), Fruit crops e Horticultural crops e Cereal crops
    200-600 kg
    Pre-transplanting/sowing fertilization,
    Post-transplanting/sowing fertilization


Total nitrogen (N)
Ammoniacal nitrogen (N)
Sulfuric anhydride (SO3) soluble in water

Chemical-physical properties


Method of use
  • Cover fertilization
  • Pre-sowing fertilization
*The choice of the dose is subordinated to various factors and can be varied when necessary. All applications can be repeated in relation to the different crop needs. You can contact our Technical Service for the correct application on specific soils and under specific climate conditions.